Friday, February 27, 2009

2008 Thank You

2008 ILM Newsletter.pdf

The 2007 Humanitarian Day Ramadan Projects exceeded our expectations because of the collective participation.

Humanitarian Day California was hosted in four locations, Downtown Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, Pasadena and Santa Ana. Humanitarian Day events hosted after Ramadan will include Long Beach, Jefferson Park, Austin and Houston.

Thank you for the generous contributions from all donors and special thanks to our major sponsors Islamic Center of Irvine and Church of Later Day Saints. Our Ramadan campaign raised nearly $25,000 and served close to 6,000 persons nationally and international.


On September 27, 2008, Humanitarian Day Orange (HDOC) hosted its first event at the Hall of Administration Building parking lot in the city of Santa Ana. ILM Foundation would like to extend a special thanks to Tareef Nashashibi and Mrs. Jeanine Darrow of Orange County Public Works for coordinating with the city to secure the event permit. HDOC served over three hundred homeless. Many recipients were so appreciative when they received the warm greetings from one of the most spirited groups of Humanitarian Day volunteers. UMMA Community Clinic and Dr. Sophia worked overtime serving the homeless that were suffering from various skin infections and diseases. Imam Ghazaly Salim of the Islamic Center of Santa Ana extended Humanitarian Day by taking the remaining food and water to the local Masjid neighbors. One homeless person was overwhelmed with joy saying, 'The volunteers actually thanked me for coming.' Asif Kazi, HDOC Chair, said " The duty to serve in the cause of Allah SWT is truly a privilege, honor, and probably one of the most rewarding blessings in my own personal life."


On September 20, 2008, the Bilal Learning Center and the Los Angeles Latino Muslim Association coordinated Humanitarian Day South Los Angeles on the historic site of Masjid Bilal Islamic Center. Nearly, three hundred residents received warm meals, gift items, school kits, and toddler kits. The community graciously completed surveys and were provided health screening services. ILM Foundation would like to extend a special thanks to event co-coordinators Debra Hasan, Marta Khadijah and Imam Abdul Karim Hasan.


Humanitarian Day Pasadena was coordinated under the leadership of Imam Karim Salih of Masjid At-Taqwa. The effort took place at a local park providing food and health screening services. ILM Foundation would like to thank all the volunteers and sponsors who supported this effort. Imam Karim said, " It is very important that the Pasadena community witness the Muslims caring for the needs of the disadvantaged


ILM Foundation partnered with the Bureau of Social Services of Ghana to coordinate its Ramadan Humanitarian Projects. The projects focused on health, food distribution and community development. ILM sponsored Dr. Ghartey, CEO of Mammo Care, to provide a free breast cancer orientation for 300 Muslim women, 200 breast cancer screenings and 50 mammogram examinations. Over a thousand meals were provided to needy families and Muslims to break fast. ILM assisted the Bureau of Social Services in completing a Masjid for residents in a very remote area in the central Region in Ghana. ILM concluded its charitable activity by sponsoring a food distribution to Muslim mentally ill patients and needy families through the Muslim Female Graduate Association.

Humanitarian Day on, September 17, 2008. It is remarkable to witness this development after ILM's first visit to Indonesia in 2006. Humanitarian Day Indonesia (HDI) provided hundreds of families with staple food items such as rice, oil, sugar, teas and other traditional foods at two sites in the city of Yogyakarta (Timoho & Bale Catur). Over two hundred, low income college students were served warm meals while listening to lectures from University professors on Humanitarianism from an Islamic Perspective. The charitable activities concluded by providing fifty scholarships to orphaned children.

Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity

Access, Al Taliha, Aisha Syma Aslam Foundation, Al Maun Foundation, Bureau of Islamic Services, Bilal Islamic Center, Center for Advanced Learning, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Creative Roots, Friends in Deed, Global Sourcing Inc., HADI, In Focus, ILM Foundation, Indonesia Muslim Foundation, Islamic Center of Corona and Norco, Islamic Center of Hawthorne, Islamic Center of Irvine, Islamic Institute of Orange County, Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Islamic Society of Orange County,, Los Angeles Latino Muslim Association, Masjid Al-Sharif, Masjid Ibaadillah, Masjid Al-Taqwa, MSA-Long Beach,MSA Cal Poly Pomona, MSA UC Irvine, MSA-UCLA, MSA USC, Muslim American Society Southern California, Muslim Public Affairs Council, New Horizon School, Dallas, Kalamaazoo, Austin, Las Vegas, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Foundation, Orange County Islamic Foundation, SABA Aslam Education and Welfare Trust, Project Uplift, SAC International, UMMA Community Clinic,


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