In the last 11 years Americans have experienced hardships, downturns, and phobias of all kinds. No one group is untouched by America's domestic issues and current transition. National Unemployment rate is 9.1% (May 2011) and 14.8% (43.6 Million) are uninsured without Health Care.
There is no simple solution in resolvingAmerica 's issues. "People Helping People" can help revive the hearts of Americans, by Neighbors simply providing Neighborly Needs (Small Kindnesses). The Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity has started a 2012 grassroots and online campaign for awareness of a simple ethic - sincere generosity. We would like to reach out to the American People; who desire to re-iterate negativity and counteract phobias by organizing around simple goodness.
There is no simple solution in resolving
"People Helping People” is a campaign for communities to embrace humanitarian projects, which target the disadvantaged – the unsheltered, unemployed and the mentally ill. H-Day is a model of Social Empowerment and Economic Development, SEED, which is an ILM division. We are generating active resources for institutionalizing local relief efforts.
The Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity (CPHD) expanded in 2004 initiating its focus on Californian cities such as Downtown LA, Orange County, Long Beach, Fresno and Oakland – where the cities' homeless population appears to be the most impoverished and vulnerable groups in our nation. Humanitarian Day is a wonderful way to organize people and organizations who have been blessed with resources and time to share those blessings with the needy.
The Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity (CPHD) expanded in 2004 initiating its focus on Californian cities such as Downtown LA, Orange County, Long Beach, Fresno and Oakland – where the cities' homeless population appears to be the most impoverished and vulnerable groups in our nation. Humanitarian Day is a wonderful way to organize people and organizations who have been blessed with resources and time to share those blessings with the needy.
“People Helping People” delivers an innate social message for responsibility in the United States . Convert One Day into a Life’s Mission an advocacy not just for homelessness, as well as education and addressing socio-economic policies that divide the people's unity and effectiveness. Procuring resources and ideas such as; revive employment strategies, healthcare needs, the basics, hygienic care and other relevant necessities according to local demographic research.
Note: the "People Helping People" Hygiene Kit, which started in July 2011, has already generated over a 1000 hygiene kits for local relief. This drive is coordinated by the CPHD High School Youth Leaders and New Leadership in Los Angeles and Orange County, empowerment.
"Assume the position and gain the victory!"
Note: the "People Helping People" Hygiene Kit, which started in July 2011, has already generated over a 1000 hygiene kits for local relief. This drive is coordinated by the CPHD High School Youth Leaders and New Leadership in Los Angeles and Orange County, empowerment.
To Get Involved is Simple, and you say how....
- Take to your social online profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.... and use these hash tags responsibly, #peoplehelpingepeople, #cphd (coalition to preserve human dignity) and #hday (humanitarian day). Associate these tags with a wise gesture, thoughtful considerations; whether it's local, domestic, or international charity expression. End your emails with #peoplehelpingpeople instead of the normal salutations. Free your mind with this concept and be active.
- If you are an institution providing resources and you're seeking an experienced organization to facilitate or grant resources for domestic work, contact us and let's begin the process. The Humanitarian Day Organization is very unique within its thought process. We focus on the service and the people, by remaining sincere and relevant.
- Help your family, neighbors, co-workers with Small Kindnesses (within your means). Correct your behavior before correcting the next person.
- Stabilize mental behaviors and physical desires in a paradigm of coordinated discipline and/ or productive respected mannerism; such as Ramadan, the Holidays or Hanukkah - according to your belief or faith that promotes us being a better person (for a year round nature).
- Be Helpful - Stopping at 5, because the list can go on,
These are 5 ways you can become involved with CPHD's online social campaign "People Helping People", the rest is up to you. Our mission is Convert One Day into a Life's Mission by putting faith into action.
Follow us on Twitter @whoopwoop and become a member here. Please "Share" this Message and Thank you!

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