On September 13, 2009 in Oakland, CA at Poplar Park the 1st Annual, insha ALLAH, Humanitarian Day took form with volunteers from as far as Sacramento. Members from Mu'eed Inc. as well as members from many of the local Masjids such as The Light House Mosque, Masjidul Warith Deen, Masjid Al Islam, Jummatul Salaam, and the Islamic Center of Alameda came together to extend a loving hand, while providing hot meals, hygiene kits, school kits, and infant kits to the residents of the West Oakland community.
Volunteers assembled at 9:30a.m. to discuss the days events, the adab (manners) in which to deal with the recipients of services, and the duties of individual volunteers. From the brothers canvasing the neighboring streets inviting the residents to come and take part, to the sisters greeting each recipient with a loving smile, the volunteers worked together to execute an event in solidarity with The Coalition To Preserve Human Dignity.
The event began at 11a.m. and by 1p.m. the volunteers had distributed kits to approximately 140 residents which exhausted all but our infant kits and provided a hot meal to approximately 200 West Oakland residents. The event was coordinated by Amelah El-Amin Redden the Outreach Coordinator for Mu'eed Inc. and was also supported by I.C.N.A. The Bay Area Chapter.
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